+lawyer | pilot (s)
for law students
Service Description
BEST PRACTICES FOR 1Ls - time management - - master the case method - - master the art of outlines - - basic writing skills that work - - score higher on essay exams - NEXT-LEVEL SKILLS FOR 2Ls - advanced legal research methods - - advanced legal analysis - - next-level legal writing - - developing oral advocacy skills - - feedback on written assignments - TRANSITION TO THE PRACTICE FOR 3Ls - tips for success on the bar exam - - job hunting tips - - drafting cover letters and resumes- -feedback on job applications - - mock job interviews -
Contact Details
BIBIKOS INNOVATIONS LLC | HARRISBURG, PA | (717) 580-5305 | gbibikos@bibikos.com
www.gabibikos.com (GA BIBIKOS LLC) | www.bibikos.com (+lawyer | pilot)
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